- Saxon Warrior
- Scampi
- Sea The Stars
- Sea The Stars
- Secret Investor
- Secret Reprieve
- Seeyouatmidnight
- Serpentine
- Shaquille
- Shearer
- Shedaresthedevil
- Shouldvebeenaring
- Shut The Front Door
- Silver Streak
- Silviniaco Conti
- Sir Busker
- Sir Rock
- Sire Du Berlais
- Sizing John
- Sky Pirate
- Skyace
- Smad Place
- Snow Lantern
- Snow Leopardess
- Snowfall
- Soprano
- Sorry
- Space Blues
- Sprinter Sacre
- Sprinter Sacre
- Stage Star
- Star Catcher
- Starman
- Stone Age
- Stormy Ireland
- Stradivarius
- Study Of Man
- Subway Surf
- Suprise Package
- Sweet Dreams Nico
- Swiss Skydiver
- Take Cover
- Takingrisks
- Tardis
- Teahupoo
- Telecaster
- The Big Getaway
- The Cheltenham Festival Crowd
- The Dan Busters
- The Galloping Bear